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- Bo Sanchez, Faith and Spirituality
God Made You To Flourish
- ₱220.00 – ₱450.00
- Discover His Plan of Abundance Through the Book of Exodus
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- Bo Sanchez, Dating and Relationships
How To Find Your One True Love
- ₱170.00 – ₱385.00
- This amazing book will save you from choosing the wrong guy and making tragic relationship mistakes. It’ll rescue you from years and years of misery. This Life-Saving Book will give you…. The 8 steps to attract your one true love How to know God’s will for your future The top 10 attraction secrets of a woman – and 1 attraction…
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- Bo Sanchez, Business and Finance
8 Secrets Of The Truly Rich
- ₱220.00 – ₱395.00
- Praise for 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich “In this latest book, Bo Sanchez preaches on wealth. He shows that as in all good things, the true value of wealth lies not in possessing it but in giving it away.” Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales Archbishop Emeritus of Manila “Bo Sanchez has done it again! This book is an excellent combination…
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- Bo Sanchez, Faith and Spirituality
Why I Love Being Catholic
- ₱170.00 – ₱385.00
- Are you Catholic? You must read this book. Bo Sanchez wants to help you love Jesus more. When he was a twelve years old, Bo found Jesus in his Catholic faith. And his life was changed forever. Through this eye-opening book, Bo also wants to help you appreciate your Catholic faith more. He'll explain, in the simplest way possible, the…
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- Bo Sanchez
Simplify. How to Be Really Wealthy in All Areas of Life
- ₱220.00 – ₱450.00
- Simplicity and happiness go together. Why do we love to complicate our lives and make ourselves miserable? This is the penetrating question that hits us in every page of this inspiring books.
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- Bo Sanchez, Inspirational
Better Today Than Yesterday
- ₱220.00 – ₱450.00
- Small shifts to be your best self by Bo Sanchez
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- Bo Sanchez, Dating and Relationships, Heal Our Land, Inspirational
How to Deal with Difficult People
- ₱170.00 – ₱375.00
- Are you surrounded by vampires? No, not the blood-sucking, fang-baring, garlic-hating kind. Those exist only in the movies. We’re talking about the ever critical, perpetually controlling, and forever complaining people in your life. In other words—the toxic people. The ones that do nothing but make your life difficult. If your answer is a huge “YES!”, then this book is for…
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- Bo Sanchez, Dating and Relationships
Better Lovers
- ₱220.00 – ₱450.00
- Create Life Long Intimacy with Your Spouse. In this hot and spicy book, you'll learn how you can make married sex the best sex in the world!
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- Bo Sanchez, Inspirational
This Or That
- ₱250.00 – ₱450.00
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- Bo Sanchez, Faith and Spirituality, Heal Our Land, Inspirational
God, Why Does It Hurt?
- ₱220.00 – ₱375.00
- You Can Heal Your Hurts and You Can Set Up Your Life to Be Happy Bad news: For as long as you live on Planet Earth, you’ll get hurt. Because you’re human and live in a hurting world. But the good news is that you can heal your life’s deepest pains. God will not only heal your scars, He’ll use…
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- Bo Sanchez, Faith and Spirituality
God Made You Good
- ₱220.00 – ₱450.00
- An Ancient Book that Speaks to Modern Problems How could something written three thousand years ago speak to our most pressing problems today? One of the core messages of the first book of the Bible is, “You’re not just good. You’re very good.” (Yep, even if it isn’t too obvious.) But people have misunderstood Genesis. We’re hung up on original…
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- Bo Sanchez, Heal Our Land, Health and Healing
Heart Detox
- ₱170.00 – ₱375.00
- Are You Ready to Get Rid of the Garbage That You've Carried in Your Heart for Many Years? Warning: You don't read this kind of book for entertainment. You read this kind of book because you want a Total Life Overhaul. You want a Heart Detox. In these pages, you'll discover how to dig deep and uproot the poisonous thought…
Bo Sanchez is the author of 40 bestselling books and publisher of seven magazines. Bo also has a weekly TV show on ABC 5, Tuesdays, 10:30pm; a daily Radio program on Radio Veritas from Monday to Saturday, 5am, and Sunday, 8am; and a daily internet TV show called www.preacherinbluejeans.com.
He is also an international speaker, travelling extensively around the world. He founded many organizations, such as Anawim, a special home for the abandoned elderly and the poorest of the poor, and Shepherd’s Voice, a media group that publishes the widest read inspirational literature in the country. He also founded the Light of Jesus Community and the Light of Jesus Counselling Center.
He was also awarded one of The Outstanding Young Men or TOYM for 2006.
Privately, Bo Sanchez is also a micro-entrepreneur. He engages in small business and real estate not only for his family’s needs and for his various projects, but also from his firm belief that one of the most important solutions to his country’s economic problems is to raise up more micro-entrepreneurs among his countrymen. He frequently teaches and writes about financial literacy, believing that our poverty is hugely a product of people’s low financial I.Q. on subjects such as debt-management, saving, investing, and business.
A firm believer in working with others, he has partnered with Gawad Kalinga and other groups that work for the poor.
Recently, he’s formed the KerygmaFamily—a borderless, international, non-physical community. All over the world, people are signing up as members of this virtual community—where they receive a mountain of great stuff for their spiritual and personal growth.
In another endeavor he’s very passionate about, Bo Sanchez started the Catholic Filipino Academy to help parents who want to teach their children at home.
But above all these, Bo believes that his first call is to be a loving husband to his wife Marowe and a devoted father to his sons Benedict and Francis. They live in Manila, Philippines.