INSIDE MATTERS: Glow Up Your True Beauty from Within
₱220.00 – ₱450.00
Every girl dreams of being beautiful – of being a knockout and feeling good about how they look. But sadly, too many of us always hate something about ourselves. We’re too fat. We’re too skinny. We’re too dark. We’re too fait. We’re too hairy. We’re balding. The list goes on.
Every girl dreams of being beautiful – of being a knockout and feeling good about how they look. But sadly, too many of us always hate something about ourselves. We’re too fat. We’re too skinny. We’re too dark. We’re too fait. We’re too hairy. We’re balding. The list goes on.
No wonder cosmetic surgeons are making a killing! From botox, diamond peels, and liposuction, to laser treatments that can erase wrinkles, remove hair permanently, or whiten your skin, science has. found a remedy to everything you want to change in your body.
But is that a secret of true beauty?
In this amusing and enlightening book, best-selling author Rissa Singson Kawpeng tackles issues that women face in the mirror every day – their looks, their self esteem, and their character. Rissa gives you the lowdown on the world’s standard of beauty in her humorous but often touching style. At the same time, she shatters myths with the inside story based on Gods word.