
Larry Gamboa, PhD

Author of Think Rich, Pinoy!

Dr. Larry Gamboa earned his Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of Michigan. He found learning accounting dull and difficult. The fact that he was such a poor student of the subject even as a De La Salle College undergraduate and a Fulbright scholar caused no noticeable damage until he went into business for himself.

Larry went into a joint venture with SGV’s Washington Sycip and William C. Byham of Development Dimensions to launch SGV-DDI. After 10 years of managing this superb training and consulting company, Larry sold his shares to SGV and realized that, “Surprisingly I made a lot of money.” Larry wondered, “If I were financially literate, could I have made more money or should I have sold my shares at all?”

Larry has put together three businesses so far and is still aiming to take one public, possibly with the help of the Internet. Doc Larry says, “I have made and lost just about enough money to have the requisite humility and pride to write The Millennial’s Guide to Kick-Starting a Business.

Book/s: Think Rich, Pinoy!, Grow Rich Pinoy!, The Millennial’s Guide to Kick-Starting a Business, The Solopreneur’s Guide to Scaling Up a Startup