When Bad News Is Good News
₱220.00 – ₱450.00
Have you ever wondered how some people can remain hopeful and steadfast despite the many trials that come into their lives?
Have you ever wondered how some people can remain hopeful and steadfast despite the many trials that come into their lives?
Consider the Filipinos from typhoon-battered areas. Year in and year out, they are subjected to severe weather disturbances, making them lose their property and livelihood, even loved ones. Yet we see them after a few months, standing tall and strong again.
Bernadette Sembrano Aguinaldo, a news reporter whose beat was in public service, would go to calamity areas after initial relief operations had been deployed.
Her marching order? Find the good news.
This first book of hers offers you just that: through stories of ordinary people she encountered on the field, she shares how they find hope and light amidst their trials.
She lets us in on her personal life as well, taking note of how her perspective has changed as she savored her moments on the field.
May the stories in this book teach you how you can weather your own life’s storms as they did to Bernadette.