
Nio Calonge

Author of Ma’am May I Go Out?

Nio Calonge is an educator, Catholic lay preacher and entrepreneur. A graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education from the University of Santo Tomas, Nio is a strong believer of Multiple Intelligences. He believes that every individual is smart in his own way. Maximizing his “People Smart” intelligence, he founded Parola Training Team in 2010, a team of fantastic and wonderful lay preachers, speakers and facilitators that delivers retreats, recollections, seminar-workshops, trainings and speaking engagements to schools, companies, government institutions, parishes and communities.

He is the campus ministry head of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College - Marikina.

He is currently taking his Master‘s Degree in Preaching at the Institute of Preaching under the tutelage of the Dominican Province of the Philippines and serves at The Feast Rizal District (the weekly Catholic prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus Family founded by Bo Sanchez).

He is happily married to Ruby and a father to a wonderful son, Fourth. They live in Marikina City, Philippines.