
Kirby Llaban

Kirby S. Llaban is an author, motivational speaker, trainer, and songwriter. He finished his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering at the University of San Carlos in Cebu City and answered the call to full-time missionary work for Couples for Christ right after graduation.

In his 16 years as a missionary, he has been sent to 34 countries, establishing prayer communities, conducting trainings, and giving talks in conferences. He finished his Master of Arts in Theology at the San Carlos Seminary Graduate School of Theology in March 2016 where he graduated cum laude. He is the owner of a training and development company called Uplift Learning Enterprise, which provides leadership, communication, and customer service trainings, strategic planning, and team-building sessions, as well as retreats for schools, companies, and families.

His main interest is helping people discover and live out their passion in life. He is a contributing writer in Kerygma magazine and publishes weekly articles and videos on motivation, leadership, and productivity on his website He is happily married to his wife, Michelle, and they have four children, Sev, Kaitlyn, Max, and Sam. They live in Manila, Philippines.

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